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Travelling Exhibition

To share the Singapore story and promote awareness to contemporary issues.

Min. 1000 pax

What students

  • To share the Singapore Story and promote awareness of contemporary issues
  • To provide a platform for students to reflect, engage and discuss with their peers on how youths can play a part in shaping Singapore’s future

Missed some of our past SDC’s special exhibitions? Book them now and we will bring them to your school’s doorsteps! You can choose relevant exhibition titles and to make it more exciting, involve your students/CCA clubs to plan their own NErelated activities or display students’ projects which will help to enrich your school’s or cluster’s NE Commemorative Days or special NE events!

Each exhibition theme consists of a set of exhibition panels, which covers contemporary issues or popular NE topics which will be relevant for students.

Our exhibition titles include:

Total Defence Day International Friendship Day Racial Harmony / National Day Others
Power of 1

Our Next Battlefront

Will You Do You?
Racial and Religious Tensions around the World

H.O.M.E (People, Place, Tomorrow)

SG Shiok Ulu and Steady Together!

We’re Singapore

Our SG: Where I Belong
Design Think Tank

SG Tidbits 365

Programme summary

Visit Us

Singapore Discovery Centre
510 Upper Jurong Rd, Singapore 638365